Sunday, May 19, 2013

Need.Bubble Bath.STAT

Team Phoenix
where to begin? This weekend has been nothing short of exhausting! I mean that in a good way. Well, maybe not so much right now, but tomorrow definitely. Tomorrow I will feel great about all of this! *crossing fingers* So as I mentioned before, this weekend I had both the DC Dragon Boat Race and the Warrior Dash. The Dragon Boat race was an all day event. We had 3 races to compete in at 250 meters. The first one we did TERRIBLE! i mean even I noticed how terrible we did. We were totally NOT in sync with each other, The 2nd race was MUCH better. Overall we got the silver medal for the day. Sunday(today) was the final race at 500 meters. I'm so upset I missed it, but I did get the update on the results and Team Phoenix placed GOLD! So exciting! I should be receiving my medals this week from another teammate. I'm so thankful to have been invited to join them. Even if just for a day. There will be another competition at the end of August at the National Harbor. They've already asked if I wanna compete with them... uh DUH! Of course I want to compete! It's only just one of the most fun sports I've done in a very long time. Even with the weather being as dark and gloomy as it was. Not even having to wear wet clothes all day bothered us. Everyone on the team was super friendly and easy to get along with. I can't wait to compete with them again soon! 
Mario and Luigi!

Fast forward a bit and we get to the famous Warrior Dash. Someone told me the Hero Rush was more intense and harder than the Warrior Dash. I beg to differ! Sure it's less miles, but I definitely like this one was more difficult. I also heard this year's Warrior Dash was harder than last year. I've been wanting to do this race for a couple years now. All just to have the viking hat. The hat alone is what sold me on the race once upon a time. Well, I can finally check it off the list! I realized today that I've improved a lot with hills. There were so many hills at the beginning. I'm not saying i ran through every single one in the race. I'm just saying I've improved! Let's not get crazy now! haha Another thing I learned is that I have terrible balance and a small fear of heights. This did not help me at all today. Nope. It definitely slowed me down and if it hadn't been for le BF, I would probably have some kind of broken bone or at least have a sprained ankle. I love that we did it together, though. It was a lot of fun. Very muddy, but about half way through we had some beautiful sunshine! I'm hoping they got some good action shots of us. We only took before and after pics. I wish we had taken some pics while we were covered in mud, but we pretty much just ran straight to the showers to clean off and head back to the little party going on. Our next race together is the Run For Your Lives Zombie Obstacle Race in October. I have a serious fear of chainsaws... should be interesting. I am proud of myself today, though. I wasn't sure how I would do with all the climbing, but I did alright! Now, i'm just ready for a nice bubble bath and a lot of sleep! Good weekend overall though :)

Thursday, May 16, 2013


While at rowing practice tonight, two wonderful things happened making this evening very productive and even more motivating. Since I was asked to be a part of this team somewhat last minute, I only have about a week to learn the basics of rowing/paddling before the race this weekend. The club was nice enough to accommodate a couple of us to join another team's practice session this afternoon. The 4 newbs(myself included) were asked to sit at the back of the boat so the trainer could help us. Unfortunately, our trainer was very soft spoken and if you've ever been on a Dragon Boat or any other boat at that, you know a loud voice is necessary for instructional purposes. I remembered from my last practice that I need to keep my body forward and head up always looking to the front of the boat to make sure I stay in sync with the stroke pair. So that's what i did. I kept up with them the whole practice or at least attempted to, but I remember hearing on 3 different occasions "look at Denise..." or "do you see what Denise is doing?" Naturally, I assumed I must have had terrible form and the reason I was being pointed out was for more of a what not to do demonstration. I will say it was a great workout and I'd really love to join the club and take this up as a hobby IF my crazy race schedules allows time for it! Well, we finally make it back to the dock and on our way out for the night, when the trainer approached me

Trainer: Denise this isn't your first time, right? You've done this before.
Me: Right. It's my second practice. I was here on Saturday for my first one ever. 
Trainer: Yea, but that was only like 30 min on the water. So this is your first time ever doing this? a race.
Me: yea...  <insert sheepish smile>
Trainer: Well you have excellent form! You really did a great job. Looks like you really figured this thing out. You should join our team."

What do you even say to that? Seriously, though! I probably turned bright red. I mean hey who doesn't love a compliment? Me apparently. I'm terrible at taking compliments. I never know what to say. I hope i said thanks, but honestly it's very possible i just stood there looking at her like a deer in headlights. I'm not sure how I would join her team though... i'm already on a team for the race! Silly, lady! haha she was very nice, though. I did love knowing i wasn't completely useless on the boat. Maybe I will actually help my team this weekend instead of being dead weight!

Well, the second thing I wanted to share was something one of the coaches screamed out to our boat when everyone was tired and exhausted. When everyone was just ready to relax and coast back to dock. You know, that's when coaches really wanna work you the hardest! Well, he took a good look at us and screamed out "if you can't use it, lose it! If you can't lose it, use it! It's just muscle, guys! Let's go!" and you know what? I loved it! It's so very true for just about anything you're doing. if you're not going to use it, why keep it? If you can't get rid of it, then you might as well use it. It's not like you're dead, right? I'm not gonna lie, it totally motivated me to keep going! 

"If you can't use it, lose it! If you can't lose it, use it!"

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sometimes It's That Little Extra!

Instagram: Sunshine_Memoirs
It's totally OK  guys. I ran today! So I'm back at this dominating inclines thing. I figure, once you master inclines everything else is just a walk in the park. Tonight's run started on what felt like the worlds longest incline. Got me pretty winded for the rest of the run, but hey... can't breeze through every run. That's just boring! Gotta add some challenges every now and then. That little pic on the left is a little something I made for Instagram today. That song came on my iPod at about the last stretch home and for some reason that one part of the song really just got me pushing more than before and got me home.
Now, I'm very familiar with the saying "your mind gives up way before your body does." It's pretty much the only reason I've kept improving over this past year with my running. I heard it again this past weekend at practice for the Dragon Race. Coach told us to focus on our strokes and breathing. Gave us tips on what to do if we're feeling gassed or too tired to keep going. At the end of his spiel he left us with that very quote. I thought to myself, there it is again. Something I hear all the time and sure it gotten me through the hardest of times when i just started my running journey, but you know how when you hear the same thing over and over it tends to lose its value? Yea that's kinda what happened with me and that quote. I know it first hand to be true, but i guess I had forgotten it's power and significance. There were parts of tonight's run where I just wanted to stop and walk because I was tired. Tired? seriously, who gets tired? I don't know what's wrong with me! haha OK so I got a bit winded sooner than I would have liked. I tried so very hard to stick to my little training for the evening and when I felt like I had reached my limit, I remembered that quote: Your mind gives up way before your body does. So you know what I did... i decided to test it out once more. I figured what's the worst that could happen? I mean it's not like I'm not going to die. What's another quarter-mile if my body can still go, right? RIGHT! I totally surprised myself a few times tonight with how much further I really could go, despite how exhausted I already was. Definitely a successful run tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the weather is getting very warm. Might need to get some shorts soon because ain't nobody got time for pants!! 

So, I know I've mentioned an obstacle race I'm doing with le boyfriend soon. The Warrior Dash. WELL, it's coming up a lot sooner than later. Actually, it's finally here. We'll be heading out on our mini road trip Sunday morning for a midday wave run. We have decided to go as Mario and Luigi. I'm a little upset about the arrangements as I've been Luigi since I was born. This time around, I'm stuck being Mario. I guess it makes sense because he's so tall. He said something about he had to be Luigi because green brings out his eyes (BARF!) hahaha OK so maybe he's right, but only just a little. ANYWAY... we ordered our shirts and I can't wait for them to arrive. I'm trying to decide if suspenders would be too much during the run. Thoughts anyone? I'd love to add more to our outfits, but at the same time i prefer to run with as little added weight as possible. Here's a little preview of whats to come in this weekends post accompanying the Dragon Boat Race. SO EXCITED!!  :)

Monday, May 13, 2013


Susan G Komen Race - DONE
Race for the Cure

Can I just say, this whole waking up at the butt crack of dawn on a Saturday is getting really old?! You know, I say that every weekend and yet I continue to sign myself up for more! OK so maybe I hate that i had to be out of my house at 5am to head to DC for a 3 mile run, BUT it was for a very good cause and I had a GREAT time! I definitely tried to do this one for time. I finished at 32:11 ...not my best time, but definitely not my worst! I'll take it. Just gotta keep working on it. We did luck out with the weather, though. Not a single drop of rain until we were all done and partying it up with the Zumba crew that was on stage. Saw a lot of neat costumes and got to see several survivors. The back of their pink shirts read "proud to be your inspiration." loved it! Those women are real fighters and they were totally my inspiration! I did especially enjoy the run around the Lincoln memorial. That's probably the ONLY reason i'd love to live in DC. To be able to have that spectacular view as part of my daily runs. I suppose I could just metro my butt out there a few mornings and do it anyway, huh? but why, when i can just do a quick 5 miles near my house which already has beautiful trails? decisions decisions. As long as we keep running, I guess it's all good!


I'm next!  :)
So, a few days ago I was asked to join a paddle team participating in the DC Dragon Boat Race this coming weekend. I have NEVER in my life paddled anything. I've been meaning to try kayaking, but have yet to get out there and do it. I have heard of how intense these workouts can be, so I was actually really excited to be a part of the team. The races are on the 18th and 19th. Unfortunately I can only participate in the race on the 18th since I have le Warrior Dash on the 19th. I really hope i'm not too sore the next day for that either. Well, back to my story... So, I was asked to join the team since they were short a few members. I, of course, accepted instantly! I'm up for any kind of outdoorsy adventure and even more so if it involves a great workout. We got to the waterfront and training began immediately. Learning techniques wasn't so bad. The paddles were light and boat was kept in place. We were given the world's fastest Rowing 101 lesson. Not too much longer after that we were quickly taken out into the water for a real life race practice. 
That's where the real fun began. The yelling, the screaming, the pressure! The play calls! except i'm not sure what you call that in rowing... instruction yelling? my favorite... POWER - FIVE - NOW!!! everyone slams their paddle into the water about as far and hard as they can for 5 of the most powerful strokes you can possibly do. Everyone in sync of course! We have sets of 10 and sets of 20 at different levels of intensity and distance plays an important factor. The 500 meter one really had me working my arms and core out. It was a lot of fun, though. Definitely need more practice before the big race so that I can at least get used to it all. This may become a real hobby of mine. You know, like my running, hiking, biking, boxing, etc ...seriously, can I just live outside for the rest of my life?! I could just use a friends house for showering purposes lol I'm really excited to see how I end up doing on Saturday. I really hope i don't let them down. From what I heard at practice, they always place Gold *gulp* 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Fancy Feet!

#Go Fasters
So I've had the most wonderful time breaking in my new kicks! You gotta admit, they're pretty fresh *brushing off shoulders* and they totally make me run faster #GoFasters! So, I know these are very popular among runners and although I've been doing this running thing for a while now, these are my first real running shoes. My very own Nike Free Runs! I made some edits by changing up the laces, but i think it adds a nice touch. You gotta think outside the box.
I will say that actually running in my new gofasters was absolutely AMAZING! My feet felt so much lighter and beautiful! that's right... i said beautiful! My shirt might also have contributed to the runners high too. Every time i passed other runners or walkers they would wave and laugh. Of course It was my new "Move Your A$$" shirt. It's quickly becoming a favorite. I did however, experience minor discomfort as the inside of my foot kept rubbing against the inside of the shoe. After a few miles it becomes a bit of a problem. I'm thinking change up the socks i'm using now. Maybe loosen up the laces? Trial and error i guess. Hoping for a trial and WIN tomorrow morning since I have my Susan G Komen Global Race for the Cure event in DC. It's supposed to be raining all morning. Should be interesting... running in my new kicks, a tutu, beads, and headband, decked out in pink among hundreds of others doing the same. Seriously, what more could you ask for that early in the morning on a Saturday?! haha i don't care... I LOVE IT!! 
In other news, i was asked to join a paddle team participating in the DC Dragon Boat Race event next weekend. You know those cool boats that look like the Chinese dragons! I heard about this event a couple years ago, but forgot all about it. Until now. Apparently this team is down a few members and needed someone to step in. Can i just say that I am so very happy they thought to ask ME?! I've got ZERO experience in this, but you know I'm game for just about anything. I get to practice with them tomorrow for a few hours after my Susan G Komen race. So stay tuned for my weekend adventures recap!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ready... Set... GO!

Wasted Potential - Season 3

Earlier this week i had the luxury of joining my team again for another game. I love playing with them. It's our 3rd season together and win or lose it's always a great time. Sure i'm no Messi, but i can run the crap outa that field! I really need to work on my skills though. I was totally slacking that night except for about 2 whole minutes where i started doing tricks with the ball that I had no idea i was even capable of doing. All i heard was everyone cheering me on up until i lost the ball. If only i could remember what i did! haha whoops! Well, we definitely LOST that game 6-3, but it was great to see them all again. I had missed the last few games due to some things going on at home, but I gotta say... game nights are by far my favorite nights of the week! Though what I lack in skill, I make up for in baking cupcakes for the team! LOL Right there is a little collage of the team this year. Still missing some key players, but i'll just snap more pics next game :)

Lacing Up for Saturday

So there are only just a few days left till my first running for a cause event. I will be participating in the Susan G Komen Global Race for the Cure this weekend in DC. I'm super excited! Spent the last few months fundraising and recently hit up the co-workers at my office for money *crossing fingers that someone donates today* I think my greatest achievement for raising money was receiving a donation from a restaurant nearby. It was nice to have been able to get support from a local business, but we all know i'm really just excited to do some more running because really I just can't get enough. I also ruined my last pair of shoes this past weekend at the Hero Rush obstacle race, but it was time to retire them anyway. Finally got me a fresh pair of Nike Free Runs that I've been eyeing for a while now. Something about new gear... always pumps me up. It's addicting really. Every time I go shopping, I end up buying more workout gear and then i wonder why i never have anything nice to wear when i'm going out. haha oh well... I feel prettiest when i'm working out anyway. I only have a day or two to break these in before Saturdays run, though. This should be interesting... new shoes, in the rain, wearing a tutu among hundreds of other women. Seems legit!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hero Rush - Obstacle Race

It's been a few days since I've posted. I know you have all been losing sleep wondering if i ran at all this past week! hahaha ok well it's been busy, but I did get my first obstacle race out of the way this past weekend. The Hero Rush out in Maryland. Just under 5 miles of over 17 obstacles and some running. It was the first of many obstacle races to come. I was blessed to get to do it with my body building BFF and a few others. She got me through the obstacles and I got her through all the running. I gotta say it was the MOST FUN I've had in a very long time! Sure we got tired at some point, but there were a few backups at a couple obstacles that allowed us catch our breath. 
It all began running up a few stairs and sliding down a fire pole. Not gonna lie, those stairs were pretty narrow and freaked me out a bit. As soon as we touched the ground we were off and the race began. First obstacle was hopping/climbing over a wooden wall, through a little jungle of doors where you had to find an open one to run through and finally climb through a window. Next was what they called Crowd Control, running through some tires on the ground and then a few hanging hoping not to bump any or they bumped you out or down to the ground. Those things are not lightweight! Most of the running was on a trail so it wasn't smooth pavement. Plenty of potholes and mud with hardly any flat surfaces. Definitely a lot of inclines(my favorite! haha). <I wont go through every obstacle as I can't even really remember them all myself, but i'll go through a few listed on their website. It's a lovely thing this thing they call the internet!>  I remember the entanglement obstacle. That's prob where i got most of the bruises on my knee. Picture large tubes meant to be crawled through and then picture random bungee cords spread out across it all the way through. Just one big mess that i had to somehow get myself through only to find another one just like it at the end. I definitely got stuck a few times! Hoarder's Hell was interesting... basically you climb a ladder into a "house" consumed in smoke. I remember getting towards the top and all i could hear is one girls calling out for help. I'm thinking she may have had a fear of heights. Got into the house, found her and helped her out the other side. Once on the other side, you had to climb down except there was no ladder. It was some kind of rope netting. not too bad, but def nice to finally get out of all that smoke! The Stretcher Evac is where my BFF and I were able to come together and put our skills to good use. Picture 2 heavy sandbags tied on a stretcher. You and a buddy had to carry this "person" over a wooden wall, crawl under some barbed wire dragging the person with you and back over another wooden wall finishing with going over more barbed wire. This person was not light! Nope, but we did it. There were a few other dead weight obstacles like carrying 2 tires over your back over and under a few walls/fences. There were times we had to run with fire hoses and drag a hose with a tire tied to the end. The Basement Entrapment was probably the most frightening for me out of all of them. There was no harness to ease my worries of falling face down to the ground after having climbed a tall ladder to the top. Imagine 3 wide ropes. 2 up top for your arms/hands and on in between that you WALK DOWN on. Those who know me, know that I have terrible coordination. I saw my life flash before my eyes with each step. A little dramatic you say? Truth is what I say! The water obstacles were more fun than obstacles really. A nice refresher to have throughout the run and the best part... jumping over fire just before the finish line! Seriously, I don't think I've ever jumped so high in my life, but i loved it. I practically sprinted to grab my medal. Much deserved and of course you know I was looking for my free banana before meeting the rest of our group  :)
I'm not gonna say i survived. I'm gonna say i thrived! i look like someone threw me in a bag and then kicked the crap out of me. So bruised up, but each one earned with pride! Here's a little collage i put together from the before and after shots. Website is supposed to post pics of the obstacles later this week. I'm dying to see if I made it into any action shots! Well the good news is, with that out of the way I am more than ready to take on the Warrior Dash in a couple weeks! BRING IT ON!!